Thursday 11 November 2010

This is me!

It was suggested that I write a blog due to my excessive tweeting on Twitter, so I did, here it is. I have now been sat here for an hour over a pint trying to work out what to write, but I don't plan well so I'm just going to ramble until I run out of steam. I suppose I should start with me... As you can guess from the fact I decided to come for a pint to write this, I like a drink. I've recently moved to a small town in Dorset called Wimborne and have rediscovered my love for real ale, but I also like a good bottle of wine or bourbon on special occasions.
I'm gay, but it's not my life as I've found it is for so many after spending six months living close to the Bournemouth scene. I didn't come out until I was 26 and my best friends response was 'well you're still Dean.' And that pretty much sums me up, I am just me, there's no-one else quite like me and I would never change that.
As I've said I'm a prolific tweeter, I only joined in August through boredom and have already racked up over 3,000 tweets. I've made a lot of friends over these months and like the freedom to write anything in your head as opposed to Facebook where I find myself (slightly) more reserved.
I saw a tweet recently that said Facebook is for people you know that you don't want to talk to and Twitter is for people you don't know that you enjoy talking to. This is by and large true, I have some very good friends on Facebook, but also a lot I added because I 'knew' them and have never spoken to since. I also now have a lot of friends on Twitter, but we started off knowing we have similar interests, thoughts and ideas.
Ok, ramble over for now (must get back to Twitter!) There's more too me than beer and Twitter, but that's the idea of this blog, an insight into what's in my head, so you'll have to stay tuned...

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