Wednesday 17 November 2010

Club Jeffery

So, what do I get up to on Twitter? In short I spend pretty much my whole day on there but I've made some friends in the bizzarest of conversations. A perfect example of this would be the creation of #clubjeffery. For those of you that aren't Twitterate (I may have just made that up but I mean 'Twitter literate') #clubjeffery is an example of a hashtag, by putting a hash sign before a word or phrase it makes it easier for users to search for a certain topic.
So back to the evening #clubjeffery was formed. It started with a conversation between Dave, a friend I met on a course last year, and his friends Jo and Gavin, about going on a road trip. As the conversation progressed, as they oh so often do on Twitter, it was decided the roadtrip would be made wearing wedding dresses. Enter me...

I should probably take you back to last July when me and Dave met. It was a residential course with work, which meant all the delegates bonded over the week we were there and in the evenings we were given activities to keep us amused (and keep us in the bar!)
On the Wednesday once we'd gotten to know eachother and were starting to feel relaxed we were told we would have to put on a short play based on a film. My group were given Grease and all eyes turned to the guy with long, blond hair, there was no point in arguing I was going to be Sandy. Cue hysterical women running around the building searching for dresses and make up.
So we rehearsed the play apart from the finale where I would kiss the rather dishy guy that played Danny (who didn't actually find out I was gay until we were having a drink later that night.) We figured the kiss could wait until after a few beers, and a shot of whiskey we kept at the back of the stage.

Me after the performance

So the performance went well, as cheesy and amateur as the ones before us after only a couple of hours preparation, until we did a slow motion run together at the end. We stopped, just before the kiss, said "wait a moment" knecked the whiskey and went in for, what became a legendary kiss. I think it was a combination of the whiskey, 'Danny' being a fair bit taller than me and my tendancy to over-act, which meant I mounted the poor guy, winning us first place in the competition.

So, I felt as Dave was planning this trip in a dress I would get myself involved (the course wasn't the first time I've been known to don women's clothing!)
Jo said there should be a name for this newly formed club to which Dave suggested Jeffery and so Club Jeffery was formed.
As I said, conversations quickly progress on Twitter and when Jo said she would make sandwiches it took another turn as to what the sandwiches would be. This conversation was never going to get normal and we weren't going to be content with cheese and ham sandwiches. Exotic animals were the order of the day and since have partaken (only in a virtual way) in everything from tiger penis to whale with grated puffin.

This takes me back to my first post, we four have become firm friends and spend most evenings chatting on twitter, all because of one random conversation we wouldn't have had via any other form of social networking. And this is the reason I have fallen in love with Twitter, these are people I would never have met, and yet now we make eachother laugh every night, and I'm sure at some point we will meet up and have the time of our lives.
I will go on to discuss other friends I have made through just as random evenings, but for now... Join #clubjeffery. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. the #clubjeffery thing?...been bugging me for AGES!! I know...and I'm gonna join soon as I get back to Twitterland...enjoying your blog, all the best...@rustyscruff #clubjeffery.
