Sunday 14 November 2010

From T to B

So lets go back to August, that's where this story begins. I'll touch on my life before hand, but the title 'A New Hope' (apart from a Star War reference) is about what's happened since.
I was sat at home one afternoon, I'd read everyone's Facebook posts, caught up with everything on the iPlayer, and stared blankly at my laptop. I had wondered what the hype about Twitter was over Facebook, but as I had resisted the pull of Facebook for years until someone asked to add me, I had also resisted the pull of Twitter.
But what could the harm be? I could sign up, have a nose around and then leave it alone like the MySpace account I think exists somewhere.
Quite soon I realised the difference. On Facebook you update your status and wait for your friends to reply, people get bored quite quickly if you post every sandwich you eat or bus you catch. With Twitter I found the ethos was different. If something pops into my head I can Tweet, people will see it, if they care we can get into a conversation, if not, onto the next sandwich.
It took a while of randomly looking at people's tweets, randomly tweeting things myself and retweeting things I liked to slowly get the hang of a whole new form of social networking for me (as well as getting used to cutting what you want to say down to 140 characters)
In the subsequent 3 months I have gained over 100 followers (albeit some of them automated 'bots') but out of those I have also made some new friends.
This is the difference I had to get used to, how a conversation works. If someone speaks to you on Facebook you have at some point in your life met them and to be polite you feel obliged to reply. If someone follows you or speaks to you on Twitter you have the chance to look at their bio, read what they tweet about and decide if you have similar interests or views. Personally I'm up for a laugh, and most people I follow give me a bit of a giggle during the day, so I began to converse with people that did that.  To that end I have had conversations this week about taking over the world, custard football and monster munch, to mention a few.
So that's the T in the title, the B stands for Blog where I am going to document some of the more bizarre sides of Twitter as well as release some of the weird thoughts that pop into my head (of which there's a lot!)

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