Monday 15 November 2010

A Little Light Reading

I've got two links on the left hand side of my page, I'm sure I will add more in time but these sprung to mind when I was setting my blog up. The first is a blog by my boyfriend entitled Food, Thoughts, Drinks...and Um...Fitness in which he discusses his main loves of food, wine and movies, as well as an upcoming fitness regime which his work colleagues have talked him into. He's an excellent cook, and I mean a proper cook, we discuss at length combinations of flavours and are both the kind of cooks that can throw together ingredients knowing it's going to come out well. I may well blog about recipes I have come up with at a later date. Incidently, I do have a recipe I posted on the BBC Goodfood website if you want to check it out! He is also expanding my rather poor movie knowledge, and rather enjoyed Howls Moving Castle on Friday night, a film I have wanted to see for a number of years. To illustrate my poor taste in movies I am writing this while watching Tim Burton's adaptation of Planet of the Apes, a film I think most movie buffs wouldn't touch with a barge pole. SIMON: I NEED EDUCATING!!! The second link is a website from a Twitter friend, Karl Webster. He has decided to leave the ratrace and spend 2011 visiting around 80 festivals from music to religious festivals to study how people around the world celebrate their freedom. You can follow his journey from the website I have linked to, and also follow him on Twitter- @karlpmole

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